Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) In-Person Meeting

Date: February 27 - 28, 2014
Location: Silver Spring, MD

NewSTEPs, in partnership with the Pediatric Congenital Heart Association (PCHA), recently convened an in-person Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Meeting with the goal of highlighting the current status of newborn screening (NBS) for CCHD in the U.S. and to provide ideas and guidance for NBS programs across all levels of implementation. Purpose: To convene representatives from all fifty state newborn screening programs and pertinent stakeholders and partners to facilitate the implementation of CCHD newborn screening throughout the U.S. Meeting Objectives:
1- Participants provided input and offered expert guidance on implementation of CCHD.
2- Identification of Quality Improvement Initiatives in CCHD implementation.
3- Development of key components of a strategic template consisting of model practices and quality improvement initiatives for implementation of new disorders within newborn screening programs. Agenda: